Tech: Ensuring Netty Performance on Apple Silicon: A Maven Solution

Discover how to ensure optimal Netty performance on Apple Silicon using Maven profiles. This guide provides a solution for conditionally including the correct native DNS resolver dependency for macOS ARM64, enhancing cross-platform compatibility and build efficiency.

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In our previous blog post, "Ensuring Netty Performance on Apple Silicon: A Gradle Solution," we explored how Kedos Consulting addressed a Netty dependency issue for Apple Silicon by leveraging Gradle's conditional dependency inclusion. This approach ensured optimal Java application performance across different platforms, including macOS ARM64, enhancing cross-platform compatibility and build efficiency.

However, many Java projects rely on Maven as their build tool, and it's essential to provide a solution tailored to this widely adopted ecosystem. In this follow-up article, we'll dive into how to achieve the same goal of conditionally including platform-specific dependencies using Maven profiles.

The Maven Approach

Maven profiles offer a flexible way to manage project configurations and dependencies based on various factors, including the underlying operating system and architecture. By leveraging this feature, we can ensure that our Java applications built with Netty and Spring Boot Webflux include the correct native DNS resolver for macOS ARM64.

Here's how we can achieve this in our Maven project:


In this configuration:

  1. The <profile> element defines a profile with the id aarch64-macos-users.
  2. The <activation> section specifies that the profile should be activated on macOS platforms with the aarch64 architecture.
  3. Within the activated profile, the <dependencies> section includes the io.netty:netty-resolver-dns-native-macos dependency with the osx-aarch_64 classifier, ensuring that the correct native library is included for macOS ARM64.
  4. The <scope>runtime</scope> limits the dependency to runtime only, and <optional>true</optional> marks it as optional, allowing the build to succeed even if the dependency is not available.

By adding this profile configuration to your Maven project's pom.xml file, you can ensure that your Java applications running on Apple Silicon Macs will leverage Netty's native macOS DNS resolver, optimizing performance and ensuring accurate DNS resolutions.


Whether you're using Gradle or Maven as your build tool, addressing platform-specific dependencies is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and compatibility across diverse computing architectures, including Apple Silicon. By leveraging the power of conditional dependency inclusion, you can future-proof your Java applications and provide a seamless experience for your users, regardless of their underlying hardware.

At Kedos Consulting, we strive to stay ahead of the curve, anticipating and addressing emerging challenges in the ever-evolving technology landscape. Our solutions aim to empower developers with the tools and knowledge necessary to build robust, high-performance applications that seamlessly adapt to the latest hardware and software advancements.

We would like to express our gratitude to Marcel Tubben for his valuable feedback on our original article, "Ensuring Netty Performance on Apple Silicon: A Gradle Solution" His insights and suggestions regarding the Maven solution inspired this follow-up guide.